2009-01-03 Saturday

Goals for 2009:  Lose eight ten pounds.  Take a photo every day, preferably with my Nikon D2X.  Get through “The Daily Message” by Eugene H. Peterson.  All manageable.  I registered at the Social Security Online/Business Services Online site.  My intent was to submit my W2’s.  To my surprise, that site actually prints them as well.  No need to order special forms next year.  W2’s get submitted in batches of 20.  Of course, I didn’t realize the first batch included a duplicate until I had submitted all three batches and verified (or not) the total.  Damn!  I got outside to find my car covered in ice.  I scraped enough to get me across the street where I enjoyed a hamburger while I waited for the car to warm up enough that I could slide the rest of the ice off and allow me the visibility to get home.