I’ve got an Application Software Technician in the office today working on a major upgrade and clean up of our system. My plan/hope is the upgrade is done about 1:00 pm at which point Tim, Tech and I go to lunch while everyone logs on and gets to work. We’ll return about 2:30 to find everyone happy as clams. The Tech assured me this was a reasonable expectation. But, as of 10:34, there’s a snag. Something about a service pack. I went up town for Subway sandwiches. 3:00 pm and we’re about ready to test. 5:00 pm and I’m outta here! I finally heard from the Neurology Department at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. Like our regular Vet, they would like to see video. Coco had another spell this evening. The Vet says to rate them, I would call this one a 4 and yesterday morning an 8. She wobbled but never went down. We were able to get some video. She had this one just after eating, same as her morning ones.